The Streets of Cotahuasi
You know how some people, just to be nice, will say, “You should come visit me sometime.” Well, you should never tell me that unless you are serious, especially if you live somewhere cool, like Peru.
When I was hiking the PCT I met a fellow hiker who was a missionary in the remote Cotahuasi Canyon of Peru. He mistakenly invited me to come visit him, and as soon as I saved up money and time off from work, I was on an airplane to South America.
I flew from DC, and my roundtrip airline ticket was less than $400. If you want a cheap international adventure than head to Central or South America – my international ticket was super affordable and flying domestically within Peru never cost more than $50. Overall, I’ve learned that traveling is so much more affordable when you spend every night in a tent.
A Rock Wall in the Canyon
From Lima, I flew to Arequipa in the southwest corner of Peru, and there, I was met by my friend Vic. Vic took me by car on a nine-hour expedition to Cotahuasi Canyon. We only passed through [Read More]